We want to start this entry off with the fact that we love kids. Everyone who works here has children that they adore. With that being said, there is a time and a place for younger children in this type of establishment. It is extremely stressful for us (and other clients who are in getting work done) when there is a younger child acting wild in the studio. We do need to draw some lines. When there are children ages 0-2 screaming and crying- that automatically raises stress levels all around. When there a children ages 2-5 running around yelling and being careless and destroying our property- its not only stressful but its dangerous, distracting, unsafe and disrespectful. We have had portfolios destroyed, beverages spilt, every inch of glass smeared and wet snow packed winter boots walking on our furniture. I for one, am very passive. I dread the thought of having to scold other peoples children. A lot of the time I watch parents either ignore what their kids are doing or noticing something inappropriate and simply saying nothing. This is extremely frustrating. To eliminate this, we now have a policy that children under 6 do not come with during your appointments. Unless the child is getting a procedure done, they do not need to be in the studio. If your 6 year old is getting his/her ears pierced and you have a 4 year old, please find someone to watch your 4 year old. There MAY be rare exceptions but we would like you to call and ask ahead of time. This is in place to keep a safe and happy environment for everyone. We hope you read this and understand where we are coming from. Thank you, Tyler Hamline
Not showing up for your appointment in the tattoo/piercing industries. All the frown faces.9/13/2018 'No calls. No shows'. Its a phrase that makes every tattoo/piercing studio cringe. Here's why:
When we book an appointment, we are blocking off a portion of that day for that client to get work done. When artists are not tattooing/piercing there is no money coming in and no one is getting paid. When someone doesn't give a timely heads up or simply does not show up at all, they are wasting the artists time and there usually isn't enough time to find someone to fill that time slot on such short notice. To add to that, they are also causing other clients to have to wait longer for their appointment, for no good reason. If that person that never showed up had never made their appointment in the first place, the next person would be in sooner. Not showing up causes a lot more issues than you'd imagine. It can easily (and likely) ruin an artists day. The artist also spends time before the appointment drawing the design. Editing the design. This can happen multiple times on one design until the artist is confident they have a design that will make the client happy. That's typically at least a few hours of drawing... now for nothing. Example: Client books a 5 hour session of a bumblebee playing a harmonica while surfing in the ocean. Their time blocked is from 12pm until 5pm. The artist draws the design. Doesn't like the first draft. Re-draws the design. Doesn't think the second design will fit for the placement on the body. Artist draws it again for the third time. Likes how it turns out, for the most part. Artist then goes back in to edit the harmonica and the waves. Now the artist is super excited to show the client the design and get that rad bumblebee playing that rad harmonica on that client. A lot of drawing and preparation has already gone into this tattoo. Its not even the appointment date yet. 12:00 on the appointment date shows up. No client. 12:10 on the clock. No client. 12:30. No client. The client doesn't show up. Now the artist has no income coming in for a minimum of 5 of their 8 hour work day. That's a huge financial blow. And even when that client doesn't show up, the artist still has bills to pay. The studio still needs to pay the bills to keep the doors open. The studio and artist are then left with a small window of time to attempt getting someone else in on extremely short notice. A lot of time gets wasted and a lot of tattoo time goes out the window, while trying to get someone to fill that spot on the day of. Understanding deposits: Almost all studios will require a deposit. The deposit is there to make people committed to their appointment/time slot. Our deposit starts at 50.00 for most tattoos. This deposit is there so the client has "something on the line." Imagine no deposit being in place. The potential clients appointment date shows up and they decide, "Eh, I'm tired. I'm not going." Now imagine the 50.00 deposit in place. "Eh, I'm tired. But I did commit that 50.00 deposit and I would rather not waste that money. I'll go get that rad harmonica playing bumblebee." When someone still doesn't show even with a deposit in place, the artist and studio will at least still makes a little bit of money. But that "little bit" isn't enough to pay bills and make up for the full time that was blocked off for the tattoo. Please keep all this in mind. We want to tattoo you. We want to pierce you. WE LOOK FORWARD TO IT. But if you're not serious about it, please just wait until you are serious about it. We all have bills to pay. We are all trying to make a living. Tyler Hamline We get a lot of phone calls and people stopping in expecting to get tattooed the same day. As much as we would love to take care of everyone right away, it's simply not possible. Let me explain why...
Supply and demand. You're not the only one wanting a tattoo. This is a great time to reflect back to when your parents told you "if you want something important, you must be patient." Tattoos take a lot of time and effort (I will touch back on that shortly). And A LOT of people want a new custom tattoo. A LOT. It really comes down to first come first serve. Who makes their appointments in advance wins. They get put into a calendar and those days pile up. So hearing that the artist won't be able to fit that into their calendar for X amount of weeks or sometimes months is very common. Tattoos take time. A lot of time. Even a small butterfly on your ankle needs to be drawn and sized and a lot of the time there are multiple drawings that go into even the more simple designs. Now picture a big piece. A full sleeve. A full back piece. These are appointments that endless hours of work are put in. Imagine a restaurant on a Saturday night. A lot of people will call in and make reservations to eat a few days, a few weeks and sometimes a few months in advance. As more people are setting their reservations the less and less tables are available. Now imagine that each meal takes 1 to 8 hours to prep, cook, dish and allow the time for the customer to enjoy their food and allow time to get the table cleaned up for the next patrons. Now that restaurant that your picturing with 25-50 tables and an army full of staff, erase all those tables and all that extra staff and leave only a few tables and a few dedicated employees. Those tables are going to be booking out much further. In this entirely real situation, some people will say "eh screw it, McDonalds is open and we can get in and out in 10 minutes." This is very true. But then I would highly recommend looking at the quality and the experience. You can get that Mcdonalds meal super quick. But is it quality food? Is there any real experience there? Need I say more? I would also like to touch on deposits. All reputable studios require them. They hold your appointment in the calendar. They can range in price, depending on individual studio policies, but it is entirely common for deposits to range anywhere between 50.00 and 200.00. If someone makes an appointment and that block of time is set aside for them and they decide to just skip it, it hurts the artist. That's a good chunk of their day that they are not getting paid for now. There is drawing time even before the day of the appointment and if someone decides to just bail, there should be some compensation. Also these deposits make it much less likely for someone to flake out because they have something of value already tied up in it. These deposits are credited to the final cost of your tattoo and are costing you nothing extra. Its just a small payment upfront to help protect the artist that is working for you. I hope this helped you understand that quality tattoos tend to have a wait. Sometimes people need to cancel or reschedule and there is a random opening and you can get right in. But when you call, don't plan on that. Plan on a little bit of a wait that will be worth it in the long run. Thank you for taking the time to read this! -Tyler |
Author●Tyler Hamline Archives
March 2019